Sample resume review - Unable to get a single interview

kunalsaxena | Technical Lead |2024-05-25

Hello, I am a student graduating this semester from a country outside of Canada. After graduation, I plan to work as a research assistant for about six months before seeking employment with a company in Canada. However, I have heard that laboratory internships are not considered professional experience, so I must emphasize the projects I have participated in. Especially since I am not a Canadian student, I've been told it is even more difficult to find a job. I am curious about what activities I should engage in for the next six months and whether it is possible for me to get a job in Canada with my current qualifications. In my resume, I expect to add at least one publication as a co-author from my time in the research lab. Additionally, I plan to independently work on an IC design project during the remaining period. I am open to any company in Canada that would support my permanent residency application, regardless of the working conditions or salary. My future career goals involve FPGA, ASIC, and RF embedded systems. Thank you

resume image submitted for review

Thanks for posting! Please make sure your review post is as per steps mentioned on top. Censor your personal information for your own safety.

Please use a descriptive title which Tell us your requirement (i.e., just looking to improve, not getting any interviews etc.), and roles and industries you’re interested in.

You can expect a review feedback within 2 days. You will be notified via email about the updates.

Check out the resume guides and examples below:

Resume Writing Guide:-

How to write a resume with no experience

Resume Guide for Experienced professionals

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Resume Examples

ATS friendly resume templates

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