Resume Help and Customer Support

Support Channels

2Live Chat (Human)message us on chat
3Call+91 7579581767
4Website Live chatUse chat on bottom right corner
5Contact Us Queryfill form here
6Quick 10 min FREE Callcheck calendar


  1. Email and Live chat are preferred mode of providing support
  2. Contact Us form sends 1MillionResume team an email which they promptly respond.
  3. Calls can be booked to explore special/support requirements 1 day in advance. Please be specific on your agenda.
  4. Live chat is answered by humans. In odd hours - please leave your query and contact details and our support tem will get back to you at earliest.
  5. Please consider timezones while seeking support.

Common support requests

How to Change Email on Resume?

  • Your Resume should have professional email and we advise to sign up with that. You can request email change if you have signed up with different email. Follow steps below -
  • Send an email to from your new email id
  • Subject - "Request for Email change" and just say I wish to change my email from a to b
  • You need to logout after email change request for it to work
  • Our backend team will change your email and confirm once done.
  • Your password will remain as it is. If you logged in with gmail and have no password - we will set one for you and share in email. Feel free to change this password later

I have custom requirements for my Resume?

  • We will understand your custom resume requirements and will come up with way forward based on your requirements.
  • You can email your custom requirements at or use any of above mentioned support channel.

Can 1MillionResume write resume/CV for me?

  • We do provide resume writing services on demand. This service is popular among experienced / senior level professionals.
  • Connect with us via email to or Ping us on live chat.